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Bài viết này được cập nhật 04.2018.
1. Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL)
- 210 209 CHF (Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management)
- 80 522 CHF (Executive Master of Business Administration in Hospitality Administration)
- 66 190 CHF (Master of Science HES-SO in Global Hospitality Business)
- 41 554 CHF (Master Class in Culinary Arts)
2. Glion International Higher Education (GIHE)
- 192 550 CHF (Bachelor of Business Administration in International Hospitality Business)
- 79 200 CHF (Dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in International Hospitality Business)
- 62 880 CHF (Master of Science in International Hospitality Business)
3. Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality (SSTH)
– 186 745 CHF (Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management)
– 105 920 CHF (Dipl. Hôtelier/ère-Restaurateur/rice HF)
4. Les Roches Global Hospitality Education (LR)
- 173 250 CHF (Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Hospitality Management)
- 83 470 CHF (Master of Business Administration in Global Hospitality Management)
- 40 570 CHF (Postgraduate Diploma in International Hospitality Administration)
5. César Ritz Colleges (CRC)
- 155 950 CHF (Dual Bachelor of International Business in Hotel and Tourism Management and Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Business Management)
- 116 550 CHF (Swiss Higher Diploma in Hotel and Tourism Management)
- 41 600 CHF (Dual Master of Arts and Master of International Business in Hospitality, Health and Wellbeing / Dual Master of Arts and Master of International Business in Entrepreneurship for the Global Hospitality and Tourism Industry)
- 39 880 CHF (Certificate in Hotel and Restaurant Operations)
6. Hotel Institute Montreux (HIM)
- 141 660 CHF (Dual Swiss and American Bachelor of Business Administration in Hospitality Management)
- 98 900 CHF (Swiss Higher Diploma in International Hotel Management)
- 56 140 CHF (Swiss Diploma in Hotel Operations Management)
- 46 540 CHF (Master of International Business in Hospitality Management)
- 45 060 CHF (Postgraduate Diploma in Hospitality Business Management)
7. Swiss Hotel Management School (SHMS)
- 134 000 CHF (Dual Swiss and British Bachelor of Arts in International Hospitality Management / Dual Swiss and British Bachelor of Arts in International Hospitality and Events Management)
- 100 150 CHF (Swiss Higher Diploma in International Hospitality Management / Swiss Higher Diploma in International Hospitality and Events Management)
- 67 500 CHF (Swiss Diploma in Hotel Operations Management)
- 39 300 CHF (Master of Science in International Hospitality Management)
- 38 150 CHF (Master of International Business in Hotel Management)
- 36 450 CHF (Master of International Business in Hotel and Resort Management)
- 35 050 CHF (Postgraduate Diploma in Hotel and Events Management / Postgraduate Diploma in Hotel Operations Management / Postgraduate Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Management)
8. Hotel and Tourism Management Institute (HTMi)
- 108 000 CHF (Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management / Bachelor of Arts in International Hotel and Tourism Management / Bachelor of Arts in International Hotel and Events Management / Bachelor of Arts in Culinary Management)
- 79 500 CHF (Higher Diploma in International Hotel and Tourism Management)
- 53 000 CHF (Diploma in International Hotel and Tourism Management)
- 43 500 CHF (Dual Master of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management and Master of Business Administration in Hospitality Management)
- 42 500 CHF (Master of Business Administration in Hospitality Management)
- 29 500 CHF (Master of Arts in Hotel Business Management)
- 29 000 CHF (Advanced Diploma in European Baking and Pastry Arts / Postgraduate Diploma in European Baking and Pastry Arts / Advanced Diploma in Culinary Arts Tailor-made / Postgraduate Diploma in Culinary Arts Tailor-made)
- 28 000 CHF (Postgraduate Diploma in International Hotel and Tourism Operations / Postgraduate Diploma in International Hotel and Events Operations)
- 26 500 CHF (Certificate in International Hotel and Tourism Operations / Diploma Manager in Training for Trainers in Hotel Management / Certified Professional in Hospitality Operations)
9. International Management Institute (IMI)
- 95 550 CHF (Dual Bachelor of Arts in International Culinary Arts)
- 92 750 CHF (Hospitality Undergraduate Dual Bachelor of Arts in International Hotel and Tourism Management / Hospitality Undergraduate Dual Bachelor of Arts in International Hotel Management / Hospitality Undergraduate Dual Bachelor of Arts in International Hotel and Events Management / Hospitality Undergraduate Dual Bachelor of Arts in International Hospitality Entrepreneurship / Hospitality Undergraduate Dual Bachelor of Arts in International Tourism and Events Management)
- 75 500 CHF (Swiss Degree Dual Bachelor of Arts in International Hotel and Tourism Management / Swiss Degree Dual Bachelor of Arts in International Hotel Management / Swiss Degree Dual Bachelor of Arts in International Hotel and Events Management / Swiss Degree Dual Bachelor of Arts in International Hospitality Entrepreneurship / Swiss Degree Dual Bachelor of Arts in International Tourism and Events Management)
- 63 700 CHF (Dual Higher Diploma and Diploma in Higher Education in International Culinary Arts)
- 60 500 CHF (Dual Higher Diploma and Diploma of Higher Education in International Hotel and Tourism Management)
- 55 700 CHF (Dipl. Hôtelier/ère-Restaurateur/rice HF)
- 39 850 CHF (Dual Master of Business Administration in International Hospitality Management)
- 36 850 CHF (Dual Master of Business Administration in Swiss Hotel Management Operations and Postgraduate Diploma in International Hotel Management / Dual Master of Business Administration and Postgraduate Diploma in Luxury Brands and Services Management)
- 31 850 CHF (Diploma in International Culinary Arts)
- 30 250 CHF (Dual Diploma in Hotel and Tourism Management and Certificate of Higher Education in International Hotel and Tourism Management / Postgraduate Diploma in International Hotel and Events Management)
- 28 250 CHF (Certificate in International Hotel and Tourism Management)
10. Business and Hotel Management School (BHMS)
- 89 700 CHF (Undergraduate Dual Bachelor of Arts in Hotel and Hospitality Management / Undergraduate Dual Bachelor of Arts in Global Business Management)
- 84 700 CHF (Dual Bachelor of Arts and Advanced Diploma in Culinary Arts)
- 65 000 CHF (Dipl. Hôtelier/ère-Restaurateur/rice HF)
- 58 800 CHF (Higher Diploma in Hospitality Management)
- 55 800 CHF (Higher Diploma in Culinary Arts)
- 30 900 CHF (Dual Master of Science in International Hospitality Business Management / Dual Master of Science in Global Business Management / Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship and Innovation / Master of Business Administration in Marketing and Digital Business / Master of Business Administration in International Finance and Investment / Postgraduate Diploma in Hospitality Management)
- 28 900 CHF (Diploma in Hospitality Management / Postgraduate Diploma in Culinary Arts)
- 27 900 CHF (Diploma in Culinary Arts)
- 16 900 CHF (Graduate Certificate in International Hospitality Business Management)
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