Chào các bạn!
Các bạn nhấn vào đây để tham khảo bài tập mình đã làm khi học năm 2 ngành Quản trị khách sạn tại Les Roches.
Mật khẩu = ThankYou@789
Học kì đầu tiên của năm 2 mình đi thực tập nên hoàn toàn không lên lớp. Đây là bài tập của học kì 2. Bài tập này rất lớn và liên môn, chiếm 60-70% tiến độ cả học kì để hoàn thành. Mình để đề bài chi tiết của từng môn ở dưới, còn đề khái quát là tụi mình phải chia nhóm 4 – 5 thành viên ngẫu nhiên của cả khoá làm về một khách sạn tại Mĩ, mỗi nhóm bốc thăm chọn bang, khách sạn có thể có sẵn hoặc tự chế đều được, đã tồn tại được làm mới lại hoặc xây mới từ đầu đều được, vị trí cụ thể, quy mô, phong cách dịch vụ sinh viên cũng tự chọn để phù hợp với định hướng của từng nhóm, không bắt buộc phải là 5 sao hay cao cấp. Nhóm mình được chấm điểm 82%. Thật lòng mà nói, giờ trưởng thành hơn có nhiều kinh nghiệm hơn, xem lại bài cũ mới thấy bài làm của tụi mình khá phèn =)))
Rooms Inventory and Control Management
- Divide your rooms into types and categories and create the rate for each room type. There should be at least 3 room types. The rates should be based on the market condition approach.
- Develop a plan how to sell and upsell your rooms.
- You should make at least 8,000,000 CHF for the Rooms Division department and you need to show how you would make this money. Show the revenue generated for each room category for the year.
- You need to create the Rooms Division area in your website where you must show your rooms and prices.
- Analyse one academic article about the latest trends in the current hotel market. You will need to find an article no older than 5 years. The article should be presented during your presentation and also you should explain how to apply the ideas of the article in your business.
Food and Beverage Management and Cost Control
- Decide on the number and type of food & beverage outlets in your property. Offer a brief description of the outlets. As a minimum, refer to the location within the property, the catering policy, the operating hours and the meal periods catered to. Justify why you have opted for these food & beverage outlets. In line with the above, decide on the number of food production areas in your property. Explain why you have opted for these food production areas.
- As a minimum, research and decide upon the following components: (1) elevator situation, (2) delivery trolleys and heating units, research a suitable type and offer an illustration, (3) corresponding trays and tray covers, research a suitable type and offer an illustration, (4) standardised cover set-up per tray, offer an image of the comfort food item you have chosen and the corresponding tray set-up, (5) your beverage services system, explain, (6) draw a floor plan, bird’s eye view, of the back-of-house service preparation area, indicating the positioning of essential pieces of equipment and materials, including a small sales and catering office, (7) discuss standardized tray and trolley collection procedures after service. Then, in chart or table form, justify your decisions by identifying advantages and disadvantages of all the 7 components of your choice.
- Create a physical function sheet for a Luncheon of your choice, taking place in one of the apartments, involving a minimum of 4, maximum 6 guests, minimum 3 dishes, promoting healthy eating and local, regional cuisine and, if so possible, promote a local beverage. No menu prices, no accounting information. Use the suite floor plan, you have prepared for Facilities, as a base. Offer an illustration of your creative table top design.
- Decide on a Welcome Tray set-up in the suite’s kitchenette, including a complimentary Welcome Gift of your choice. Offer an illustration of both. Single out 2 benefits to your guests in offering these products and services, and 2 cost scenarios to you, as an operator. Discuss why or why not the benefits outweigh the costs. Then, explain how, on the books, these expenses are accounted for. No numbers.
- As members of the Planning Committee you have been asked to come forward with a proposal for the addition of a Gift Shop or a Hot Beverage Vending Machine to the presently existing facilities. CHOOSE ONE, develop your proposal by quantifying your suggestions, offer an illustration, and then, reason why, in terms of profit and loss, your recommendations should be researched further.
- In flow chart form, decide on a minimum of 8, maximum 10 different, but relevant, food waste elimination practices for your serviced apartments. Assume that you will use the flow chart as a visual training tool to help create awareness amongst your team of supervisors and outlet managers when it comes to food waste elimination practices.
- Research, compare and contrast 2 academic publications, involving recent, different forms of technology, applied in food and beverage management. Summarise your findings in chart form. Then, in short-essay form, discuss whether these types of technology will be applicable, feasible in your operation.
Hospitality Human Resources
- Your introduction should describe the importance of Human Resources in the hotel industry. Give specific aims for recruiting candidates for your business. Ensure relevance to the overall project.
- Develop an induction training session for new employees:
- Create a one page welcome letter to give to all new employees.
- Create a detailed 2-hour induction training session agenda. Provide a schedule with specific details of what you plan to do for each section of the training. It must be feasible and realistic.
- The sections of the training session are pre-defined: welcome, overview of the work of the organisation, introductions to all key people and their roles at the organisation, closing.
- Identify how many people you need to recruit and for which jobs. Specify the salaries that go with the positions.
- Identify how many positions you have and if each is full-time or part-time.
- Sort the positions you have into departments. Use industry standards for names of departments.
- Identify the gross salaries for the different positions.
Hospitality Facilities Management
- Develop and plan the service apartment layout, illustrating the layout clearly with the details and features offered.
- Evaluate and offer solutions for the Safety and Security issues for the premises.
Marketing for the Hospitality Industry
- Prepare a Situational Assessment of the factors affecting your hotel.
- Review the context in which you operate PEST
- Analyse your industry ACADEMIC MODEL
- Describe your company’s relative position in the industry SWOT
- Identify your major competitors and their strengths and weaknesses
- Construct a Strategy Formation and Implementation proposal based on your target market.
- Present your process of segmentation, targeting and positioning
- Clearly highlight your competitive advantage as compared to your competitors and describe the personality of your brand
- Design your marketing mix: products, price, promotion, place
Hospitality Managerial Accounting
- Prepare a comprehensive annual income statement for your operation. Based on that annual income statement prepare a CVP income statement. Present your CVP analysis that will allow you to analyse and calculate your break-even point and margin of safety in terms of an amount of $ sales volume.
- Estimate your company’s revenue target. Several factors should be taken into consideration. Demonstrate how you derived revenue separately for each department.
- Estimate your operating expenses for each department.
- Determine your overhead costs and allocate them by department.
- Derive a CVP income statement. For the CVP analysis, you must identify the volume you will need to achieve in order to breakeven, and the volume you will need to achieve to meet your profit target for running events.
- A CVP analysis should include breakeven analysis.
- Reflect on what would be an impact on your financial results if the demand for your facility increased or if you increase your price or managed to bring some of your costs down?
- On a spreadsheet, prepare a budget that meets your after tax profit target.
- Make adjustments to your budget assuming that actual demand will increase by 7%. The spreadsheet should show impact of this increase in demand on your revenue, costs and ultimately profit.
- What would be the impact on your profitability if you have increased your price by 7% keeping the cost structure the same?
- How would profitability of your operation change if your marketing budget expenditure was reduced by 50% in addition to 15% reduction in administration and management costs by outsourcing part of it to a 3rd party service provider.
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